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Can My Employer Prohibit Concealed Carry in Florida?

Can My Employer Prohibit Concealed Carry in Florida?

February 18, 20213 min read

What's Up Sheepdogs? Ryan here with Tampa Carry.

If you plan to carry your firearm at work, you need to understand how your employer can and cannot restrict your possession of a gun.

In Florida, some companies may prohibit you from possessing a firearm while at work, and if you choose to ignore this policy, your employer has the right to terminate you.

Some employers go as far as to prohibit you from possessing a firearm in your private vehicle while parked on company property. According to the statute below, this is unlawful. 

Understanding Florida Concealed Carry Laws...

Florida Statutes 790.251(3) LEGISLATIVE INTENT; FINDINGS .—…. individual citizens have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, that they have a constitutional right to possess and keep legally owned firearms within their motor vehicles for self-defense and other lawful purposes, and that these rights are not abrogated by virtue of a citizen becoming a customer, employee or invitee of a business entity. It is the finding of the Legislature that a citizen's lawful possession, transportation and secure keeping of firearms and ammunition within his or her motor vehicle is essential to the exercise of the fundamental constitutional right to keep and bear arms and the constitutional right of self-defense. The Legislature finds that protecting and preserving these rights is essential to the exercise of freedom and individual responsibility. The Legislature further finds that no citizen can or should be required to waive or abrogate his or her right to possess and securely keep firearms and ammunition locked within his or her motor vehicle by virtue of becoming a customer, employee or invitee of any employer or business establishment within the state, unless specifically required by state or federal law. 

(4) PROHIBITED ACTS. —No public or private employer may violate the constitutional rights of any customer, employee or invitee ….   

According to this statute, you have the right to have a firearm in your personal vehicle, with or without the permission of your employer. I would recommend that you keep it to yourself though.

No one needs to know that you have a firearm.

"You Will Be Terminated..."

A few years ago, I received a phone call from a previous student who shared this story with me. 
He was leaving work and about to get into his car when a coworker stopped him. The door of his car was open, and he had his pistol in a holster in the pocket of the door. After they completed their conversation, he jumped in his car and headed home. Shortly after that, he received a phone call from a human resource representative at his company. She informed him that they had received a complaint about a firearm in his vehicle.

"Having a firearm on company property is strictly prohibited," the HR rep explained. "If it happens again, it will be grounds for termination." 

My student was very concerned about losing his job. However, he also remembered me talking about this during his concealed carry course, so he decided to give me a call. I told him to contact an attorney, and I encouraged him to read Florida Statute 790.251(3).

I haven't heard from my student again, so I assume that his attorney must have set his employer straight. This incident goes to show why it is so important for you to understand your rights under federal and state law.

If you don’t know the law, it will be easy for others to take those rights away from you.

That's all I have for today. So until next time keep training and stay safe...Talk to you soon,

Ryan G. Thomas

P.S. You’re one step away from getting your Florida concealed carry permit….FAST & EASY…

And for a limited time you can watch the concealed carry course online for free... Click here to get started...

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Ryan G. Thomas

Ryan believes a trained and aware citizen is the best way to minimize crime, victims and senseless acts of violence. Ryan is a veteran of the United States Air Force and a father of three beautiful children. Ryan and his wife Tiffany met while doing inner city ministry for Operation Explosion in Tampa 12 years ago. He is passionate about God, his family, and his community. Ryan has a passion for the 2nd amendment and believes all Americans should have the right and ability to protect themselves and their families.

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