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Florida Concealed Carry Under a Mandatory Evacuation Order

Florida Concealed Carry Under a Mandatory Evacuation Order

February 18, 20212 min read

What's Up Sheepdogs? Ryan here with Tampa Carry.

In September 2017, Florida residents were bracing for Hurricane Irma, which was a massive category five hurricane headed straight towards us.

An estimated 6.5 million Florida residents were ordered to evacuate, but how do those people take their guns with them if they don't have a valid Florida concealed carry permit?

When Is It Legal To Carry Without A Florida Concealed Carry Permit?

Introducing Florida Statute 790.01(3)(a) Unlicensed carrying of concealed weapons or concealed firearms. Here's what the statute says: 

Florida Statutes 790.01(3) (a) A person who carries a concealed weapon, or a person who may lawfully possess a firearm and who carries a concealed firearm, on or about his or her person while in the act of evacuating during a mandatory evacuation order issued during a state of emergency declared by the Governor pursuant to chapter 252 or declared by a local authority pursuant to chapter 870. As used in this subsection, the term "in the act of evacuating" means the immediate and urgent movement of a person away from the evacuation zone within 48 hours after a mandatory evacuation is ordered. The 48 hours may be extended by an order issued by the Governor.

Four Important Points...
As with all statutes, we need to break this law down to determine who it applies to and how and when it should be applied. 

First, the statute applies to people who are legally allowed to possess a firearm under federal and state law. This means if you are a prohibited person under federal law, FS 790.01(3) does NOT apply to you.

Second, the individual must be under a mandatory evacuation order declared by the governor or local authority. 

Third, the unlicensed individual is only permitted to conceal carry a firearm while in the act of evacuating. 

Fourth, the unlicensed individual is only permitted to conceal carry a firearm within 48 hours after a mandatory evacuation is ordered.


According to Florida concealed carry laws, It is legal to carry a firearm concealed without a permit if;

  1. You are allowed to possess a firearm under the law

  2. You are under a mandatory evacuation order

  3. You are in the act of evacuating

  4. It has been less than 48 hours since the mandatory evacuation order has been given.

However I think its best to get your Florida concealed carry permit. If you are interested in completing your  concealed carry license class we can help. Click this link to get started for FREE...

That's all I have for today. So until next time keep training and stay safe...Talk to you soon,

Ryan G. Thomas

P.S. You’re one step away from getting your Florida concealed carry permit….FAST & EASY…

And for a limited time you can watch the concealed carry course online for free... Click here to get started...

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Ryan G. Thomas

Ryan believes a trained and aware citizen is the best way to minimize crime, victims and senseless acts of violence. Ryan is a veteran of the United States Air Force and a father of three beautiful children. Ryan and his wife Tiffany met while doing inner city ministry for Operation Explosion in Tampa 12 years ago. He is passionate about God, his family, and his community. Ryan has a passion for the 2nd amendment and believes all Americans should have the right and ability to protect themselves and their families.

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