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The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Concealed Carry

The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Concealed Carry

February 18, 16642 min read

I’m going to do a bit of “Q&A” today.

First question…

QUESTION: Is It Legal To Have A Florida Concealed Carry Permit And A Medical Marijuana Card?

ANSWER: The simple answer is yes you can have a Florida concealed carry permit and a medical marijuana card. However, you are NOT ALLOWED to own, touch or possess firearms or ammunition.

Next question…

QUESTION: Do I Have To Obey “No Guns Allowed” Signs?

ANSWER: Sometimes yes and sometimes no. It depends on where the sign is located. If the “No Guns Allowed” sign is located at one of the 15 prohibited places I discuss in my book “Florida Concealed Carry Law” then you must obey the sign or you will be arrested.

Alright, one more…

QUESTION: What Should I Do If I Get Pulled Over By The Police And I Have A Gun?

ANSWER: In Florida, we are not legally required to tell police if we have a firearm concealed or inside of our vehicle. But there is a secret strategy that I use to make sure I don’t get shot by an over-aggressive officer. But I don't have time to explain this strategy in detail in this email.

The GOOD news is…

In my book Florida Concealed Carry Law, I will show you step-by-step how to handle these issues so you don’t have to worry about making a mistake that will land you behind bars. You can get the full scoop here:

Claim Your Copy Of Florida Concealed Carry Law Here

That's all I have for today. So until next time keep training and stay safe...Talk to you soon,

Ryan G. Thomas

P.S. You’re one step away from getting your Florida concealed carry permit….FAST & EASY…

And for a limited time you can watch the concealed carry course online for free... Click here to get started...

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Ryan G. Thomas

Ryan believes a trained and aware citizen is the best way to minimize crime, victims and senseless acts of violence. Ryan is a veteran of the United States Air Force and a father of three beautiful children. Ryan and his wife Tiffany met while doing inner city ministry for Operation Explosion in Tampa 12 years ago. He is passionate about God, his family, and his community. Ryan has a passion for the 2nd amendment and believes all Americans should have the right and ability to protect themselves and their families.

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