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What is Printing and Why is it Important?

What is Printing and Why is it Important?

February 19, 20212 min read

What's Up Sheepdogs? Ryan here with Tampa Carry.

Printing is when you can see the rough shape or outline of your firearm through your clothing. In the state of Florida, printing is not a crime unless it is done with intent. However, even though it's not a crime, you will scare most people who see you. Some people may avoid you, and others may overreact and attack you.

Violently Attacked in Walmart...
On January 20, 2015, Clarence Daniels, who is a Florida concealed weapons permit holder, was walking into a Walmart in Brandon, FL, when suddenly he was attacked. Brandon Curtis, the attacker, noticed that Daniels had a firearm under his shirt and decided to slam him to the ground. 

Curtis began screaming, "He's got a gun! He's got a gun!" 

Two men rushed in and pinned Daniels to the ground, removed his firearm, and detained him until the police arrived. When the police arrived, Curtis was surprised when he found out he was the one who was going to jail. What Curtis didn't realize is that you cannot attack someone just because they have a gun.

Thankfully, Daniels was okay, and we get to learn a valuable lesson from this incident. 

This is Dangerous...
Printing is dangerous and could get you hurt or even killed. Printing can easily be prevented in a few different ways.

You need to wear clothing that allows you to conceal your firearm correctly. This could include a garment over your t-shirt or clothing with patterns.

Avoid purchasing a large firearm that is not designed for concealed carry. When selecting a gun, most people focus on what feels comfortable in their hands, and they don't think about how it will feel in their waistband for 12-plus hours a day.

I believe it's more important to have a firearm on you 100% of the time than to have one that fits your hand perfectly 10% of the time.  

That's all I have for today. So until next time keep training and stay safe...

Ryan G. Thomas

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Ryan G. Thomas

Ryan believes a trained and aware citizen is the best way to minimize crime, victims and senseless acts of violence. Ryan is a veteran of the United States Air Force and a father of three beautiful children. Ryan and his wife Tiffany met while doing inner city ministry for Operation Explosion in Tampa 12 years ago. He is passionate about God, his family, and his community. Ryan has a passion for the 2nd amendment and believes all Americans should have the right and ability to protect themselves and their families.

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